Dr. Rachel Perry

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Dr. Rachel Perry received her doctorate in Art History at Harvard University, specializing in art in France during the Occupation and Reconstruction. Her research straddles the fields of Art History, Visual Culture, and Holocaust Studies with a strong focus on visual ethics, atrocity photography, exhibition design, the relationship between aesthetics and politics, and questions of cultural diplomacy and nationalism. In 2018, she curated the exhibition “Arrivals, Departures: The Oscar Ghez Collection” at the Hecht Museum and authored the catalogue A Memorial to Jewish Artists, Victims of Nazism with graduate students in the department. The recipient of fellowships from the Getty Foundation, the Dedalus Foundation, the Fondation de la Memoire de la Shoah, Yad Vashem Institute, EHRI and CASVA (Center for Advanced Studies in Visual Culture), she has published widely on topics such as Yizkor Books, Found Footage in Holocaust video installations, Color Reproduction, Postcards and Travelling Memory, Curating Holocaust Art, Emotions and/in Holocaust Studies, Reenactment, Performance and Participatory Practices, Graphic Narratives and Visual Testimony. She is currently Scholar in Residence at the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute writing a manuscript on Holocaust graphic albums in December 2019.

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University of Haifa
199 Aba Khoushy Ave.
Mount Carmel, Haifa
Israel 3498838
Tel: 972 (0)4 8240111



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