Degree Requirements

Students may decide to take the program as full-time students, over the course of three semesters (including summer courses, October-August), or as part-time students, over the course of six semesters (including summer courses, October-August). The part-time schedule is recommended for students, usually Israeli students, with other full-time obligations.

There are two alternative tracks of study:

Track A consists of 36 credits (with a thesis), including core courses and electives. Track A students are also required to take a study a language, and to submit final and seminar papers in courses of their choice.*

A thesis, which is normally completed in the year following the completion of coursework, is recommended for those students planning to continue on to doctoral studies. 

Track B consists of 38 credits (without a thesis), including mandatory core courses and electives. Track B students are required to submit final and seminar papers in courses of their choice. Track B students also complete a final examination with an appropriate member of our faculty.*

As part of the program (on either track), students are required to submit 2 seminar papers, 5 research papers (Referat) as well as response papers (as instructed by the lecturers).

Evaluation for Track A:

The final grade will be assessed as follows:
20% seminar papers
30% course grades
50% thesis

Evaluation for Track B:
The final grade will be assessed as follows:
30% seminar papers
40% course grades
30% final examination

Connect with us

University of Haifa
199 Aba Khoushy Ave.
Mount Carmel, Haifa
Israel 3498838
Tel: 972 (0)4 8240111


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